Pitsch Elementary School

(715) 422-6171


Mon - Fri | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Pitsch Elementary School enrolls students in kindergarten through grade six. The school provides educational services to more than 170 students. It offers classes in language arts, math, science and social studies. The school also provides art, music and physical education classes. Pitsch Elementary School has a staff of a librarian, reading specialist, psychologist, nurse, custodian, counselor, and speech and language therapist. It has a library that includes a range of books and periodicals. Additionally, the school offers guidance counseling services, as well as conducts parent-teacher-student conferences. It serves various food items, such as cheese, spaghetti, pizzas, sandwiches and burgers. Located in Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., Pitsch Elementary School is governed by Wisconsin Rapids Public Schools, which also governs several elementary, junior high and senior high schools.


  • 44.386055, -89.80581

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Map of Pitsch Elementary School