SP Ranches Grass Fed Beef & Pastured Pork

(903) 870-8008


Mon - Sat | 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
SP Ranches Grass Fed Beef featuring South Poll cattle from Greg Judy's herd at Green Acres Farm in MO. Our cattle are 100% grass fed and 100% grass finished. Mob Grazing methods are used where cows are moved daily to a fresh paddock to graze. Fresh water is moved daily with the herd. No fertilizers, hormones, grain, or antibiotics are used. Grass fed beef is sold by the cut, side or entire cow. SP Ranches also features Tamworth Heritage Swine. They are pasture raised with a supplemented diet of Hügelland non-GMO feed. Tamworth Heritage Pigs are one of the oldest breeds in the United States. It's the pork of choice of our great-grandparents. Tamworth pigs are best known for their side meats. Our Pastured Pork is also available by the cut or whole pig. SP Ranches offers seasoned pecan firewood/Cooking wood.. All pecan wood comes from SP Ranches pecan trees that have fallen or blown over. We never cut down healthy trees. The pecan tree, the state tree of Texas, is protected at SP Ranches. Our wood is sold by the cord, half cord or quarter cord. SP Ranches believes in feeds used to supplement our pigs diet. Therefore, we have become distributors of Hügelland Swine and Chicken non-GMO feeds.


  • 33.63657, -96.60921
Grass fed beef, pastured pork, pecan firewood and cooking wood, Hügelland non-GNO swine and chicken feeds.

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Map of SP Ranches Grass Fed Beef & Pastured Pork