Malakoff Middle School

(903) 489-0264


Mon - Fri | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Located in Malakoff, Texas, Malakoff Middle School has an enrollment of more than 200 students in grades six through eight. The school offers classes in English, science, math, history and social studies. Its guidance center provides counseling programs for parents, principal, staff and students. Malakoff Middle School operates art, music and physical education departments. The school additionally provides special education services for students with mental and physical disabilities. It organizes a range of sports activities, including baseball, basketball, soccer, golf and cheerleading. Malakoff Middle School offers membership options for band, cheer and athletic clubs. The school is a part of the Malakoff Independent School District.


  • 32.17257, -96.005035

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Map of Malakoff Middle School