Church Hill Health Care & Rehab

(423) 357-7178

Church Hill Health Care is a privately-owned nursing and rehabilitation facility for elderly people. It provides subacute and intermediate health care services. It also offers various therapies, including physical, occupational and speech. The facility s services include medical director, certified activities director, licensed social worker, consultant dietician, laundry, housekeeping, beauty salon, barbershop and pastoral care. Its services are certified by Medicare and Medicaid. Located in Church Hill, Tenn., the Church Hill Health Care s rooms are fully equipped. It also serves therapeutically controlled meals that are prepared under the supervision of certified dieticians. Additionally, the facility organizes activities, such as quilting, bean braking, outings, trips, birthday celebrations and pet therapy.


  • 36.522266, -82.73486
Activities|Clinical Laboratories|Dental|Dietary|Extended Care|Housekeeping|Intermediate Care|Long-Term Care|Mental Health|Nursing Home Care|Nursing |Occupational Therapy|Personal Care|Pharmacy|Physical Therapy|Physician|Podiatry|Residential Care|Skilled Nursing Care|Social Work|Speech Pathology|Vocational,Activities|Clinical Laboratories|Dental|Dietary|Extended Care|Housekeeping|Intermediate Care|Long-Term Care|Mental Health|Nursing Home Care|Nursing |Occupational Therapy|Personal Care|Pharmacy|Physical Therapy|Physician|Podiatry|Residential Care|Skilled Nursing Care|Social Work|Speech Pathology|Vocational

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