Carillon Assisted Living

(704) 487-6053

Carillon Assisted Living is a residential care organization that offers health care services that promote the physical, social and emotional well-being of its residents. It provides health care planning, medical assessment and nutritional care services. The facility also offers assisted living and Alzheimer's disease care services. It provides a specialized care program that emphasizes creation of a memory box with appropriate information on backgrounds, daily interests and life stories for its residents with dementia and memory-related disabilities. Carillon Assisted Living offers medication management, self-containment training and health care coordination services. It additionally offers social, educational, recreational and devotional programs, as well as transportation, housekeeping, personal laundry, and building and ground maintenance services. Carillon Assisted Living maintains a facility in Shelby, N.C.


  • 35.26943, -81.569534

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