Fairview Manor

(402) 268-2271

Established in 1973, Fairview Manor is a 40-plus-bed skilled nursing home. It also includes assisted living and child daycare facilities. It is staffed with professional nurses, and physical, occupational and speech therapists. The facility consists of two households and more than 40 residents live in it. Country Reflections is an assisted living facility that is a part of the Fairview Manor. It consists of nine apartments. Each apartment contains a kitchenette and attached bathroom with a shower. Tiny Images is its daycare center for children and is licensed for 30 children between the ages of 6 weeks and 12 years. Located in Fairmont, Neb., Fairview Manor is a Medicare certified nursing facility.


  • 40.63519, -97.59001
Activities|Assisted Living Care|Clinical Laboratories|Dental|Development Disability Intermediate Care|Dietary|Extended Care|Housekeeping|Intermediate Care|Long-Term Care|Mental Health|Nursing Home Care|Nursing |Occupational Therapy|Personal Care|Pharmacy|Physical Therapy|Physician|Podiatry|Residential Care|Skilled Nursing Care|Social Work|Speech Pathology,Activities|Assisted Living Care|Clinical Laboratories|Dental|Development Disability Intermediate Care|Dietary|Extended Care|Housekeeping|Intermediate Care|Long-Term Care|Mental Health|Nursing Home Care|Nursing |Occupational Therapy|Personal Care|Pharmacy|Physical Therapy|Physician|Podiatry|Residential Care|Skilled Nursing Care|Social Work|Speech Pathology

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