Immanuel Lutheran Church

(952) 937-8123


Mon - Fri | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sun | 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Called to care. Sent to serve. Vision: God is calling us to reach deeper into our congregation and further out into our community to better know and care for one another. Our mission is to: CELEBRATE that God is with us! Immanuel is a vibrant worshiping community of faith. In response to all that Christ has done we celebrate in our worship and fellowship, and we joyfully live out our faith in daily life. GROW as Christ works in us! Immanuel takes Jesus' call to discipleship to heart for all ages, including children, young people and adults. Through devotion, caring conversation and learning, we grow together in faith and in love toward one another. SERVE as the Spirit loves through us! Immanuel is a congregation empowered and inspired by the Holy Spirit to raise up the gifts and talents God has given his children and put those gifts to use in the service and blessing of others, that they might know Gods love.


  • 44.865463, -93.48716

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