White Oaks Assisted Living

(269) 624-4811

Founded in 1975, White Oaks Assisted Living and Dementia Care provides assisted living services for senior citizens and offers more than 70 suites on a monthly rental-basis. The facility features main living room, fireplaces, dining rooms and courtyards. It operates Hawthorn Hall, which is a memory care program for people who suffer from Alzheimer's disease and dementias. White Oaks Assisted Living and Dementia Care provides dietary, medical, laundry, hair care, housekeeping and transportation services to the residents. It offers personal care assistance for bathing, dressing and daily activities. The facility offers podiatry, wound care management and hospice services, as well as physical, occupational and speech therapies. It organizes lunch outings, trips and shopping excursions, as well as offers gardening and walking activities. Located in Lawton, Mich., White Oaks Assisted Living and Dementia Care is operated by NaviGroup.


  • 42.171623, -85.85287

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