Clarksville Elementary School

(616) 693-2175


Mon - Fri | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Clarksville Elementary School holds classes for students in kindergarten through grade five. The school is a part of Lakewood Public Schools, which operates various schools. Clarksville Elementary School s staff includes various teachers, assistants, social workers, health aides, specialists and support personnel. The school provides a range of extracurricular programs in art, music and physical education. It also provides medical care and speech and hearing therapies to its students. The school s facilities include a library, computer laboratory, cafeteria, health clinic, and music and art rooms. In addition, the school has a parent-teacher organization that sponsors and supports various school events and activities. Clarksville Elementary School is located in Clarksville, Mich.


  • 42.83996, -85.243706

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Map of Clarksville Elementary School