Pope Nursing Home

(781) 335-4352

Pope Nursing Home, located in Weymouth, Mass., provides medical and health care services to residents. It specializes in various areas, including respite care, hospice programs, physical, occupational and speech therapies, dental services, and podiatrist visits. The agency provides a wide range of medical facilities, such as psychological assessment, audiological and optometric consultations, podiatry, dental, laboratory, X-ray and pharmaceutical services, and enteral feedings and physical therapies. It offers a variety of programs and activities, including outings, evening and weekend programs, special events for family and friends, family support groups and resident involvement, and interactions in the community. Pope Nursing Home is certified by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as a Medicaid provider, and as a Medicare provider by the Federal Health Care Financing Administration.


  • 42.222717, -70.961655

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