Melrose Middle School

(781) 979-2100


Mon - Fri | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Located in Melrose, Mass., Melrose Middle School enrolls more than 800 students in grades six through eight. The school has a wide academic curriculum that includes classes in English, language arts, geography, science, history, mathematics and science. It additionally provides classes in orchestra, band, physical education and technology education. The school offers several sports activities, including basketball, cross county, tennis, football, weightlifting and wrestling. It has many clubs, such as adventure, drama, investment, math, mock trial, ski and weightlifting clubs. The school has a library that houses a wide collection of dictionaries, encyclopedias, fiction and nonfiction books and newspapers. Melrose Middle School s parent-teacher organization facilitates communication among parents, teachers and school officials. The organization also supports and organizes programs to enhance the academic and social environment of the school.


  • 42.46301, -71.06648

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