Jarrettsville Dental Associates

(410) 692-6132


Mon - Wed | 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Thu | 11:30 am - 7:00 pm
Family Dental Care Dr. Michael Doyle has been providing dental care to members of entire families for years. In fact, Dr. Doyle has current patients that are the children of patients he saw years ago when they were children! We can help you accomplish your goals for your dental care - from child to senior citizen and we are happy to see new patients. Cosmetic Dentistry Dr. Doyleis an expert and an artist in creating exceptional new smiles for his patients through a variety of cosmetic dentistry procedures. Whether it's teeth whitening to brighten your smile, porcelain veneers or crowns to improve symmetry and function, or a complete smile makeover, every smile can be made to look bright, balanced, and beautiful. We are dedicated to working with you to create just the smile you desire, whether that requires delicate enhancement or full mouth restoration. After all, a clean, healthy mouth and a gorgeous smile are priceless assets you can keep for life. Below are just a few of the cosmetic dentistry procedures we offer that are designed to beautify your smile. Smile Makeover We are pleased to offer our patients the fabulous benefits of a complete Smile Makeover! Imagine it - a renewed smile, complete with straight and white teeth, to make you look and feel your absolute best. We begin with a personal consultation to focus first on the health of your teeth and then on your ideal smile. From there, we formulate a treatment plan that may include whitening, bonding, porcelain veneers, bridges, crowns and/or bite correction. It all depends on your needs and desires. We will do what it takes to give you a dazzling smile. Contact the practicehttp://www.mdoyledds.com/contact.nxg> of Dr. Michael Doyle today to learn more about a complete smile makeover. Teeth Whitening Our practice proudly features the latest teeth whitening technology available. We prefer the custom whitening trays to the highly marketed bleaching treatments that use a light. We have found that the initial effect of the light systems is largely due to dehydrating the teeth; and we were not satisfied with the long term results after the teeth re-hydrate. The custom whitening trays allow intimate contact between the whitening agent and your teeth while preventing excessive contact with the gums. After your whitening treatment is complete, you can keep your trays and give yourself a touch-up whitening treatment right before your wedding, high school reunion, a special event, or just because you want to! To set up a consultation, please contact our officehttp://www.mdoyledds.com/contact.nxg> today


  • 39.60184, -76.48346
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  • VISA

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