Hogan Dedicated Service

(478) 272-0952

Hogan Dedicated Services is a business division of Hogan Transports that operates under Hogan, one of the leading transportation and logistics management companies in the United States. Founded in 1918, Hogan is a family-owned and operated company, offering a wide range of transportation solutions to its customers. Hogan Dedicated Services has an experienced on-site management team, and provides professional drivers, tractors and trailers. Its fleet of vehicles includes straight trucks, dry vans, reefers, flat-bed trailers and livehaul trailers. The company uses satellite technology, Internet tools and electronic data interchange capabilities to serve its customers. Hogan Dedicated Services is based in St. Louis.


  • 32.501934, -82.93909
General InfoHogan Dedicated is a business division of Hogan Transports that operates under Hogan, one of the leading transportation and logistics management companies in the United States. Founded in 1918, Hogan is a family-owned and operated company, offering a wide range of transportation solutions to its customers. Hogan Dedicated has an experienced on-site management team, and provides professional drivers, tractors and trailers. Its fleet of vehicles includes straight trucks, dry vans, reefers, flat-bed trailers and livehaul trailers. The company uses satellite technology, Internet tools and electronic data interchange capabilities to serve its customers. Hogan Dedicated is based in St. Louis.,Hogan Dedicated is a business division of Hogan Transports that operates under Hogan, one of the leading transportation and logistics management companies in the United States. Founded in 1918, Hogan is a family-owned and operated company, offering a wide range of transportation solutions to its customers. Hogan Dedicated has an experienced on-site management team, and provides professional drivers, tractors and trailers. Its fleet of vehicles includes straight trucks, dry vans, reefers, flat-bed trailers and livehaul trailers. The company uses satellite technology, Internet tools and electronic data interchange capabilities to serve its customers. Hogan Dedicated is based in St. Louis.

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