My Marketing People

(754) 234-3084


Mon - Fri | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sat - Sun | Closed
Posting ads on classified sites is a great alternative to the expensive search engine advertisement (PPC)"Pay Per Click"like ad words where you pay every single time a potential client clicks on your ad. With our posting service you pay much less (depending of the plan you selected) and you only pay one time per month. Plus (this is a huge reason to take our service): when you advertise on Classified Ad Sites, that ad has a great chance to show up on the first page of Google. Remember that these days there is a whole industry of SEO experts that will charge you thousands of dollars with the promise of bringing your website on the right side (natural search) of Google. With our program, since we strategically use keywords relevant to your business, there is a very good chance that your Classified ad will also show up in the first page of Google (completely free). That means you are exposing your business not just to the millions of Classified Ad users but at the same time you are reaching the Google audience!


  • 26.26168, -80.23655
With My Marketing People you have the option to start with whatever package you are most comfortable with and that fits your immediate needs. The Silver Plan allows you to get your feet wet and test the market for your specific product or service. We suggest you have an isolated "Tracking Number" associated with each ad you are going to place for this campaign. Usually by the end of one month you will have a solid idea of the ads effectiveness, ad placement, and overall return on investment. You may at this point want to Ramp Up your efforts to the Gold Plan. This plan allows you the ability to been seen a great deal more, broadening your overall coverage on the classified site you have chosen. Larger companies covering multiple States or Cities would be strongly encouraged to consider the Platinum Plan which produces market domination and a very strong presence in several geographic ares, categories, and classified sites. We pride ourselves in coming alongside our customers and offering free consultation and market research. To help them identify the best places to be seen, what type of ad to place, and other marketing insights. We will put together any package you would like, even if it is outside one of the pre-packaged plans offered below. We look forward to serving you and creating serious value for every dollar you invest with us.
Payment methods
  • VISA

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