Therapies 4 Kids

(877) 852-8774


Mon - Fri | 8:00 am - 7:00 pm
Sat - Sun | Closed
Offering physical therapy and physical therapists services. Therapies 4 Kids is the leader in Pediatric and Adult Intensive Fitness, Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy programs and Chiropractic for children and adults with neurological disorders such as Cerebral Palsy, Autism and Stroke. Therapies 4 Kids offers Free evaluations and assessments for our program for families without Insurance. Call now and book your child's appointment! Childrens physical development and movement is linked closely to other aspects of their daily learning. It is influenced by their growing confidence and enjoyment of physical play, by their increasing ability to control their own bodies through movement and by their physical well-being and strength. As children develop physically, they become faster, stronger, more mobile and more secure of their balance, and they start to use these skills in a wider range of physical activities and also begin to become more aware of themselves as individuals.


  • 26.252728, -80.253204

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