Taon Azucena DMD

(626) 642-0900

General dentistry for children and adults. Digital x-rays, complete dental examination, oral cancer screening to detect cancer in the mouth for cancer prevention, Cosmetic Dentistry to make teeth look and function more beautifully with a youthful smile, through porcelain veneers or porcelain crowns. Implants to replace lost tooth or even several teeth. Implants to make dentures more stable so you can eat and chew your food efficiently again. On top of all these, you can have any dentistry done while your mind is relaxing with the use of our RELAXATION DENTISTRY. complete check up, cleaning, fillings (tooth colored),braces or orthodontics- to align teeth that are poorly positioned or crooked, Invisalign or invisible braces, Root canal treatments- to save a tooth. Wisdom teeth surgery, tooth extraction or removal, gum treatment or bleeding gums relief or periodontics.


  • 34.10494, -118.07348
Insurance Accepted

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